The Blissfield Rotary Club is proud to serve Blissfield, Lenawee County, as well as Internationally. Our club is comprised of men and women who live, work, and/or play in Blissfield who have a heart to serve!
We currently meet at Lena's Italian at 11:45 on Wednesdays except for the last Wednesday of the month which we have an evening meeting at 7:00pm at a location which varies. 
Membership is open and if you are interested in seeing if Rotary is right for you, please contact our Membership Chair, April Wolfe at and she can help select a great meeting for you to attend. 

Some Ways in Which

We Serve

  • Annual Halloween Bonfire with activities for children, a local tradition since 1938
  • Gave $65,000 to fund the Village Park Trail
  • Planted tress at the Village Pool site
  • Provide water to attendees at Art at Your Feet
  • Deliver Basic Needs Packing with Knights of Columbus
  • $50,000 to Blissfield Elementary Schools for the BELL lab
  • $30,000 in renovations to the Bliss-Liewert Senior Center
  • Construction of an electronic sign to inform citizens of community events
  • $2,000 to purchase the Blissfield Marching Band trailer
  • Food to thousands of people in Lenawee County and Haiti through partnerships with Knights of Columbus and I-92 Ministries
  • Hurricane relief to thousands of families through Hope and Encouragement for Humanity (HEH)
  • Sponsored 71 mosquito nets for people in Ghana
  • Diesel ambulance purchase in India
  • Dental care in Nicaragua
  • $5,000 towards a truck to Hut Outreach serving in Haiti
  • Fire truck, two ambulances, and equipment to Puerto Vallarta
  • In-home water filtration systems for families in Mexico

The Four Way Test

of the things we think, say, or do:


Is it the TRUTH?


Is it FAIR to all concerned?




Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?